Gifted & Talented

Gust offers a joyful, rigorous, and personalized education for students. Gust’s GT Specialist enriches the curriculum as needed for students at Gust, whether or not identified as “gifted” by collaborating with classroom teachers. The GT Specialist provides weekly small-group instruction to all identified gifted students in math and literacy, depending on grade level. Students in the Talent Pool or who are Magnet Eligible (but not yet identified) receive regular small-group instruction as well. The GT Specialist provides after school activities such as Shakespeare club, Pancake Science club and Spelling Bee.  Identified students have a targeted learning goal and an affective needs goal addressed on an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP). Gust’s culture stresses student engagement as the basis for academic success. Our teachers are actively engaged in growing specific gifted and talented instructional strategies. Teachers build strong relationships with students, and work to build engaging, rigorous curriculum. Our common language stresses personal success factors and relevant tasks, addressing social and emotional needs as well.  This position is .6 part time (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).

Please reach out if you have questions or ideas to I am at Gust every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Current GT Happenings:

Congratulations to the Southwest Region Spelling Bee contestants from Gust. Jocelyn Avalos Sanchez won 2nd place and Molly West won 1st place. We are so proud of all three spellers. (caption: Jocelyn, Lilly and Molly

More info . . .

Our GT Department Specialist Dee Harewood and GT Department Manager Bertie Fiz, with a wealth of knowledge between them, will discuss twice exceptionality and common disability/giftedness patterns, resources, and tools for support. Time for small group work and family sharing is also included.

Check out the GT family newsletter in this Google Drive folder

Family Rights in Gifted Education

Photo Name Title Department Email
Forington headshot Catherine Forington Gifted and Talented Teacher/Coordinator Gifted & Talented